Essay contest winners listed
Three students from both New Kent’s middle and high schools won cash awards in the annual essay contest for April as Alcohol, Drug, Tobacco, and HIV/AIDS Awareness Month.
Colleen Cunningham won first place at the middle school while Michael Price came in second and Bailey Angle placed third. At the high school, Willie Driscoll won the top prize followed by Andrea Costello and Julia Hardy.
First place winners took home $100 while $50 was awarded for second place and $25 for third. Students also received other prizes and certificates of achievement from the schools, Del. Chris Peace, and the sponsoring church, Ebenezer Baptist in Lanexa, where the April 6 awards ceremony took place.
Close to 300 students took part in the contest. Entries were narrowed to a group of 20 finalists from whom the winners were chosen.
Speakers during the event were New Kent Board of Supervisors’ chairman Jimmy Burrell, District 4 Supervisor Stran Trout, and sales manager Brian Hill. Trout spoke about his rescue squad involvement and how rescue personnel deal with abusers of drugs and alcohol. Hill, a former drug and alcohol abuser, talked about his recovery over the past 10 years and how his trust in God and help from Alcholics Anonymous aided his effort.
Sponsors of the awards program were Welcome South, Farm Fresh, Lanexa Plaza, Stewart’s Grocery, Jim and Glenn Auto Service, The Wild Bunch, Fox Hunter Grill, VFW Post 11124, New Kent Civic League, and the New Kent NAACP.