New Kent Charles City Chronicle

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Editorial: It’s okay to ask for help

By Andre Jones | June 20, 2018 1:32 am

It’s okay to ask for help. Unfortunately, people tend not to do so.

Asking for assistance has been a troublesome issue for several years. Some people refuse help because they are too prideful. Others refuse it because they believe they can complete a task on their own. In a lot of cases, people don’t understand that help is to motivate and push your forward in a positive direction, not backwards.

One of the more common needs for help is dealing with issues surrounding beating addictions. Whether it’s drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, or video games, what starts off as a way to relieve stress quickly transforms into a habit that can’t be overcome. Sheer resistance will not prevent the habit from going away. That’s when help comes in. There are several programs and organizations to assist with addictions. It is time consuming, but they are offered.

I’m going to dedicate this paragraph to those people who are feeling down and depressed. Unfortunately, the suicide rate in today’s society grows exponentially. Some people go through issues because they are bullied, feel unwanted and unloved. They believe that the only way they will feel appreciated is if they no longer roam this earth. But let me tell you this; YOU ARE LOVED! You may not see it but there are several people that care for you! Your life is precious and as a person, you are precious!

Nobody lives a perfect life, no matter how they try to portray it. There are programs to help with understanding the depression and down parts of your life. That’s help. Your life can make a difference in somebody else’s life! You may not understand it now but take time to understand that we all had our down times. Even the author of this editorial had points where he didn’t think he would be worth anything. But here I am, and I am spreading my message that YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Help doesn’t have to revolve around simply addictions. An older student can help a younger student with homework. A teenager can assist an elderly couple by cutting grass or taking out the trash. It doesn’t take much to make that difference with a little bit of help.

The next time you are in a bind, ask for help. We are placed in an environment around other people to make sure that we work and live as one harmonious unit. There will never be a perfect solution on how to live day-by-day, but if we rely on the help of others, we can make sure that we embrace our ability to impact the environment we inhabit.