New Kent Charles City Chronicle

News for New Kent County and Charles City County, Virginia | May 8, 2024

Editorial: Charles City County isn’t just a story; it’s a family

By Andre Jones | March 19, 2019 5:05 pm

As a reminder, the views expressed in this editorial is solely of me, Andre’ Jones, and not a reflection on how the staff at the New Kent-Charles City Chronicle feels.

As a reporter, there are instances where you have to step out of the role and become an observer. When a person does write, it is supposed to be done unbiasedly, with a fair viewpoint from all parties. I have a firm understanding with several years of experience that there will all be articles that people may not agree with, but there is a certain respect that should be done with presentation. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case recently.

Most of Charles City lashed into an uproar with a recent publication in another newspaper this past weekend. The article presented some truth, but it was the representation that offended many citizens of the county.

Speaking as someone who was part of the story, it was presented to me through documented emails that the article would be about the struggles of Charles City County and how the community bonded together despite facing difficulties. Instead, a picture on the front page depicted a family struggling to eat last summer instead of the focus on working to grow the county economically.

As I continued to read the article, it became more evident the direction it was heading. In my opinion (truly my opinion), an article that was supposed to lift up the morale of the county brought it down even more.

I have written in previous editorials the state of Charles City and my opinions. In those writings, I express the steps that are being taken to improve the county. County supervisors and school leaders are working to mend fences. More open meetings are taking place to encourage citizen input. In one of my editorials, I commented about what name-brand company would take a chance on Charles City. A few months later, a follow-up article on the Dollar General planned is a start and step in the right direction.

But now, an article in another publication basically focuses on the lack of what Charles City doesn’t have instead of what the county does. Those residents who live in Charles City know about our situations, from Internet to food, to lack of economic development. We also know that there have been setbacks during the process of developing. It truly is a double-edged sword when it comes to development in Charles City. For businesses, they need infrastructure, but to build infrastructure, there has to be a business that wants to move in.

But let’s talk about what really drives Charles City; the people. While we may not always get along with each other or agree on topics, one thing I can say for sure is that in times of need and toughness, we bond together. It’s what make Charles City the county that I live in special. From the people that speak to you at county fairs to the students, we are people.

The article in the other publication lists a lot of numbers such as a depleting population and those that struggle with everyday meals. However, they don’t list all the people who contribute to the cause to feed those people. The food banks are blessings, but it’s the people who make them run and work with the community the true source of unity that helps us those outlets to provide meals last even longer.

Speaking as a coach, I personally am proud of the former student-athletes and students who I had the honor of coaching. Today, they are nurses, sports information directors, teachers, skilled workers, military personnel, and so much more. The thing is, they weren’t numbers to me; they were individuals. I did my best to remember each name, each student, their parents, and so much more. They are products of not only Charles City High School, but Charles City County.

And some do come back. Some still live in Charles City. And those who work elsewhere, they are proud to be from the county.

As I said before, there will be times as an editor that I have to address times of turbulence and negativity. But I also appear when there are times of positivity. When that happens, where are the other papers? Unless it’s an issue like when Waste Management and Charles City were involved in a lawsuit or the loss of a football team, they weren’t here. I attend every board of supervisors meeting and school board meeting because I care about the community and I want to keep them informed as much as possible while being fair and unbiased.

Charles City isn’t just a figure of statistics. Charles City isn’t just a story of lacking behind in economic development. Charles City is a story about the people who despite dealing with disadvantages, we overcome, we triumph, and refuse to fail because we have the greatest asset of all; each other.