New Kent Charles City Chronicle

News for New Kent County and Charles City County, Virginia | May 4, 2024

Editorial: Some advice for the adults as students prepare to head back to school

By Andre Jones | August 28, 2019 2:03 am

Believe it or not, a new school year is right around the corner. And with kids entering the doors on Tuesday in both New Kent and Charles City, it’s time to address and speak to some very important people: the adults.

Students are beginning to transition back into the world of education and that means as adults, we must be prepared just as much. For starters, we must make simple adjustments in our daily routines to compensate for classroom doors opening. An example would be providing extra time for those who travel in the morning for work. With school buses on the road, it will take extra time for us to make our way from our homes to our places of employment. Instead of being frustrated about getting behind buses and trying to overtake it on double-lines (and yes, I’ve seen that happen), lets be proactive and make sure that we have a way to get from one location to another in a timely fashion.

The next thing we can do as adults is make time for these students. Whether you have kids or not, our students need support, even in the early days of the school year. Take time out to read a book to a kid, or if you have some free time in the evening, take in a sporting event or a theater event. Even before doors open to the school, providing school supplies can be impactful as you are showing that you care.

Continuing on as adults, we must get our bodies accommodated to a sleep schedule as well. Take it from someone who has been continuously on the clock for the last 72 hours, I am tired. Nevertheless, I am making those changes in getting some rest as I know that I am going to need that energy to push through long days. As adults, we tend to get cranky and don’t want to deal with situation towards the end of the day and some of that can be attributed to not getting enough rest. So, being able to get some rest during the night or even taking a catnap during the day (for those who can find the time to do so without losing their job) can have positive effects.

Finally, as adults, let’s be respectful and support other adults. We are in a time where little differences in the way we talk, walk, act, look, and so forth can impact us negatively. We are all different and have our own qualities, but there is a way that we can keep those beliefs without infringing on others. From open houses to meeting with teachers to community events, remember that your child or children will be interacting with each other throughout a majority of the year. That means as adults, you will be around these kids as much as you are around your own. Setting a good example and getting along with other adults can provide a positive atmosphere for all.

In conclusion, let’s go forward to supporting the adults as much as children as back-to-school is an event celebrated by all. From the first day of school pictures to parents shedding tears when their child gets on a bus for the first time, these are moments that should be cherished by all. Let’s make this a celebration of growth and unity to make sure that each of us can present the best side of us at all times.