New Kent Charles City Chronicle

News for New Kent County and Charles City County, Virginia | May 3, 2024

Editorial: Fighting for what you believe in without reinforcements

By Andre Jones | February 19, 2020 2:17 am

This past week, I have been reflecting on a lot of things in life in general. While things aren’t perfect, I know I am blessed.

But this editorial was really sparked by events that took place on Tuesday night. While I won’t go into a lot of details, I had to ask myself a rhetorical question: “When is a fighting for what you believe for in vain?”

There have been several events like this that have taken place throughout New Kent and Charles City County for the last several months. There have been some successes, such as the Second Amendment sanctuaries and the recent defeating of a bill to outlaw the purchase and possession of automatic weapons. There are some battles that are ongoing, such as residents lobbying for the halting of construction of power plants in Charles City County.

The fight for what one person believes in may not be similar to another. Along the road there will be obstacles that intend to derail the purpose. There will be naysayers, nonbelievers, and those who do not understand, nor will they try to comprehend the tasks and battle you’re facing.

So even if you’re the only one fighting this battle, how long do you keep fighting for it? Those are the feelings I have had throughout the week in general before they culminated Tuesday night. I reflect on where I’ve been and where I came from, but I also focus on the task at hand. If no one stands up and fight for their beliefs, who will?

Falling back on an excuse is no reason to give up on that fight. Having nobody believe in the purpose that you have is also not a reason to cease the movement. Instead, continue to believe in the things you do, even though others may not. Continue to pray and maybe that one person who needs to see the fight or change will be the one to swing the momentum.

There will be views and opinions that some people may here or have an opinion on, but when it comes to the facts, it’s up to a person to decipher them based on his or her beliefs. When you give and invest so much into that belief, that is when change can happen. That change is the start of progress and prevents society from becoming stale.

So, as I sit here in the early morning hours, I reflect and pray because I can keep fighting for as long as I can. But in the end, it will be the truth belief of how hard I fight that will be the difference in what is a successful battle or what is a failure. In the end, I know I gave it my all, whether the battle was witnessed or not.