New Kent Charles City Chronicle

News for New Kent County and Charles City County, Virginia | May 4, 2024

Editorial: Now is the time to support our local small businesses

By Andre Jones | March 23, 2020 11:13 pm

The next 30 days will no doubt be both lifechanging and difficult for a lot of us due to the pandemic of COVID-19. But I want you all to know that now is the time to invest locally.

One of the benefits of living in Charles City and New Kent is that we are communities that thrive on each other’s businesses. We are small enough to know many people where these businesses can flourish, but recognizable to know what goods that can be offered.

With the governor’s mandate restricting several businesses, I urge you to reach out to these people to help them with services. If your local hairstylist can’t open up their doors to serve customers, see if they can watch your children. If a barber can’t cut your hair, see if they need assistance with lawn care.

Businesses in Charles City and New Kent bounce off each other. As I said in previous editorials, even the Chronicle is part of the triangle that brings the communities together. When businesses advertise with us, it supports our staff. In turn, we publish the newspaper with information, stories, and articles for our dear readers to enjoy and discuss. The reader will then look at the advertisements and use the businesses that have supported us. That is how the Chronicle stays strong and how we encourage our readers to do support tour local businesses.

There are some small things that you can continue to do to help our businesses. You can always call for a service (yardwork, HVAC, plumbing, construction, etc.) and they will be more than happy to help. Support those people who drive trucks to deliver products to make everyday living easier on us. One thing I have done on occasion and will do more now is to tip restaurants where I take out food at. I don’t have delivery here in Charles City, but when I do go out and get something, I want to make sure that the people who are working know that they are appreciated.

To the small businesses, hang on. Know that you have the community’s support. To the employees and employers, stay faithful. To the consumers, continue to do the things to make sure these people do what is necessary to make it through this troubling time.

If you step outside the confines of your home, make sure you support these businesses. Even if you’re at home, it only takes one phone call to make their day brighter. You’d be surprised how much a simple car wash from a private company can benefit both you as the consumer and the employer.

Stay safe and take care. Hopefully this is the beginning of the turnaround to better days ahead.