New Kent Charles City Chronicle

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Editorial: Look forward to life after the end of the Coronavirus pandemic

By Robb Johnson | September 9, 2020 1:29 am

This is an editorial meant to look forward to life after the 2020 pandemic.

When we look back at 2020, it is the year for many of us where life has been turned upside down. We currently live in a world where it feels like we are more controlled than ever through the usages of temperature checks, along with being told where we can or cannot go. However, I want to look at this from another perspective. That view is one of appreciation of the world we had before and never taking it for granted again.

The pandemic has taught me that things I need to explore things that I have been putting off for years. It is important that we live life the way we want, and yet we must adhere to rules and regulations. However, think about skydiving, hiking a mountain, or many outside the box activities that many of us never imagined doing before COVID-19.

Many people always wished for a virtual world that made things easier for you to access without leaving your home. I bet that has gotten old quick now that we have had six months of this.

This is a huge world and it’s about exploring it. Humans are meant to go outside and smell the fresh air and take in some sun. We are not zombies. Living life in a controlled manner is not living. It is a complete hell on earth, and that should never be the way things go.

When we finally get back to normal, I am simply asking everyone to explore life and live in a way that you never thought before. Think about all the time that we will never get back. Think about those times you complained about the high prices at a movie theater. I bet you cannot wait to get dressed on a Friday night and go out. Think about the times we took for granted. Saying, “I will do it next Summer,” and now, another Summer is gone.

Live your life to the fullest and never put things off. We have been taught that nothing is guaranteed and that is just as scary as a pandemic. Let us eliminate the negative thinking and start feeling appreciative that a lot of us are still alive and well. The chance to make many memories down the road is now up to us.