New Kent Charles City Chronicle

News for New Kent County and Charles City County, Virginia | May 4, 2024

Editorial: We are living in a fractured society and must begin to heal

By Andre Jones | January 26, 2022 9:50 am

We live in a fractured society today. And the only way to heal is to understand each other.

One of the biggest things that is currently hurting us is that we are choosing which side is “right or wrong.” We are homing in, and unfortunately, we are so focused on “we won” or “my side was right” instead of trying to sit down and figure out other people’s points of view.

This isn’t an editorial about who can last the longest. This isn’t choosing a side on a decision that was made by organization. This is about how unfortunately society as a whole has become separated from each other and divided.

Yes, it has happened for several years, but with mask mandates lifted from schools, arguments over whose responsibility it is to keep children and staff safe have been the topic of debate throughout the state, even in our localities of Charles City and New Kent. But there are a lot more things that have taken place that has also came to the forefront.

Questions have been asked about if a person should be remorseful if an individual chooses not to get the vaccine and then catches COVID-19? What type of society have we become if we are telling people, “I told you so” if they catch the coronavirus?

Just stop it.

It’s embarrassing that I even have to write this editorial because some of us need to have a heart. We are accountable for our experiences, but we don’t have to be heartless, especially when it comes to a person’s life, health, and ability to be successful. We live in a microwave society where we want things to change and happen instantly after a decision is made. Unfortunately, that’s not how life works.

What type of example are we setting for our new generation if we can’t do the simple things like communicate and be understanding of our individual choices and freedoms? We look to leadership to make decisions to guide us, but we are ultimately responsible for our own behavior.

Let’s not be selfish in our own endeavors all the time. We need to keep others in mind whether its for their safety, well-being, and for the future of others. Our lives are only as good as the impact we make on others while we are still here. And the decisions that we make will be the reason if we grow up as adults to heal, or if we going to continue to have self-inflicted wounds because of our own personal agendas.