New Kent Charles City Chronicle

News for New Kent County and Charles City County, Virginia | May 6, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Thinking seriously about basic issues in our society

By Community Member | August 16, 2022 1:12 am

Some people need to think seriously about some basic issues in our society where we could do better.

Why should we be content with how things are when finding ways to fix problems would improve life for everyone? The way some of us act at times leaves a lot to be desired. Not only do we through negligence spread disease germs, throw trash from vehicles onto roadways, or stay mad when dealing intelligently with a grievance would resolve it, we seem to want to kill or crush opponents if they don’t subscribe to our firmly held beliefs. Wouldn’t an effort by everyone to address what needs to be corrected and find answers be wise? Being more civilized and agreeable to effectively work things out would make our country stronger. However, severe polarization of conviction on controversial matters is destructive and nonproductive.

A root cause of the world’s ills is that too many of us refuse to admit that we are wrong even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Sticking to one’s guns becomes a higher priority than the truth. Large groups of political party members stubbornly embrace questionable views peddled by self-serving politicians. Such a lack of rational thinking and closed mindedness prevent logical agreement by opposing factions on problem solution. The same applies on an individual level when long-term resistance to gainful change limits a person’s mature development and impedes harmonious interpersonal relationships.

If my thoughts impact anyone positively, it will be worth the effort. My letters have been published, but maybe no one feels they have the time to write or perhaps they are scared to do it. You have views and opinions on important topics. Why not let it be known what they are and why you think particular action would be good to improve what’s going on in our lives today?

Neal Wallace