New Kent Charles City Chronicle

News for New Kent County and Charles City County, Virginia | July 27, 2024

CC cadets mentor 3rd graders

By Community Member | May 21, 2008 10:46 am

Charles City High School Army JROTC “Panther” cadets began their annual service-learning project with help from the third grade class at Charles City Elementary.

Senior and junior class cadets adopted a mentorship program known as “Student Organization for Developing Attitudes” (SODA).

JROTC teamed with Quin Rivers Agency for Community Action for the program. Cheryl Mora from Quin Rivers worked with cadets to develop and enhance the SODA project.

Bimonthly, SODA teams visit third grade classes to discuss handling peer pressure, communicating well with others, making good decisions, accepting responsibility, and following directions.

JROTC cadet coordinator Sheree Bradby said, “It’s going good this year. SODA is fun for us as well as the third graders. To the younger students, the senior students become friends, teachers, and confidants.

“Such roles place great responsibilities on the high school students,” she said. “Elementary students are able to see high school students who are successful in school and enjoy being in school.”

This is the eighth year that the SODA team has been participating in a mentorship project, said Lt. Col. Vernon Peters, senior Army instructor for Charles City’s JROTC.

The program will close later this year with an ice cream and cake party during which third graders receive certificates of participation.