New Kent Charles City Chronicle

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New Kent High School’s Class of 2022 ‘bucks the norm’ in quest for commencement

By Andre Jones | June 11, 2022 12:48 am

New Kent High School’s Class of 2022 graduates wait anxiously in preparation of their grand entry as part of Friday Night Commencement ceremonies.

Andre' Jones photos

It wasn’t the norm for New Kent High School’s Class of 2022. But the message was clear at Friday night’s graduation inside of VCU’s Siegel Center: They are the class that can persevere through anything.

With fans, family, and friends in support, 340 members of New Kent High School’s Class of 2022 were acknowledged during commencement ceremonies.

Many of the speeches echoed the same sentiments, showing that the graduates were on the same accord when they reflected on their high school careers.

“It was definitely not normal,” said Senior Class President Nicholas Vafiadis during his opening welcome, reflecting on how his fellow classmates navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic. “We tried to keep this county and each other as normal as possible.

“While the world was on standby, we kept going,” he continued. “The Class of 2022 withstood all of these things, and that is what makes our class a legacy at New Kent High School.”

Class Salutatorian William Diggs spoke to his classmates about the two things that were key to success not only for him, but his peers.

“Determination and persistence,” he said. “It was a lot of work to get here, but you don’t get here without both of them.

“You need both,” Diggs continued. “It is the secret to success. You put them together and your dreams take a lot of determination and persistence. Opportunities will come, but your chances to chase them may be limited.”

Class Valedictorian Elizabeth Ross opened her monologue praising the graduating class and how they took on tasks that were expected of them, even after missing a year with each other.

“The Class of 2022 is already extraordinary,” she said. “We went from dealing with a pandemic to coming back to learn in person to be role models.

“We had to work to teach the underclassmen about the Trojan spirit,” Ross continued. “We accomplished a lot of great things.”

The valedictorian moved on to five points that she hoped classmates valued as they began their journey into the next phase.

“Take the opportunities that were given to us,” she said. “Find passion and embrace it. Honor those and strive to be worthy of their respect.

“It’s all about your mindset,” Ross added before speaking on the final point. “We learned to be independent and created strong roles as individuals.

“We were better because we were together,” the valedictorian said as she praised the unity of the Class of 2022. “Whatever plans you have, don’t forget where you came from and what you’ve done.”

New Kent High School Principal Chris Valdrighi told those in attendance that the Class of 2022 continued to accomplish things despite the hardships they faced.

“You all learned that there are some things beyond your control,” he said, mentioning the pandemic that forced students to switch from in-person learning to a virtual environment essentially overnight. “We learned that lesson within the last three years. But you all learned the lesson on how to handle it.”

New Kent Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian Nichols summarized his comments and praise on the striving and never give up demeanor of the Class of 2022.

“This is truly a special class,” the superintendent said. “I am inspired by your passion, perseverance, and positivity.

“You passed each challenge that you faced,” Nichols continued. “You will face more challenges in the future, but I know you will meet them head on because you are #NewKentStrong.

“I will leave you with this,” he said before finalizing his speech. “Show up, work hard, have fun, but most importantly, make a difference.”

New Kent High School’s Class of 2022 amassed $1.8 million in scholarship money and awards.

New Kent graduate Douglas Amaya Hernandez (left) poses with New Kent High School guidance counselor Liz Ahlfield and business teacher Beth Manz while classmate Gabriel Almasri (right) snaps a picture to capture the moment.

New Kent’s Superintendent of Schools Brian Nichols (left) presents graduate Jaylen Akrie-Williams (right) a commemorative coin to mark the occasion.

After the conclusion of the ceremony, Olivia Chadwick is nothing but smiles as she receives her diploma.

Graduate Danaya Jackson grabs a snapshot with English teacher Jennifer Jenkins after exiting the Siegel Center.

Gabriel Merritt poses with his family in what turns out to be one of several photographs he would be featured in during the night after the conclusion of graduation exercises.