New Kent Charles City Chronicle

News for New Kent County and Charles City County, Virginia | February 14, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How often and when is the New Kent-Charles City Chronicle published?

A. The New Kent-Charles City Chronicle is a weekly newspaper that is published every Thursday.

Q. How come the New Kent-Charles City Chronicle is not mailed?

A. The Chronicle is not mailed to homes due to cost. If papers were mailed to homes, the Chronicle would have to charge to purchase the paper.

Q. Where can I pick up a Chronicle?

A. You may pick it up at any of the locations, seen on this list at the bottom of this page here.

Q. I would like the Chronicle to be dropped off at this location. How do I go about doing that?

A. All requests for Chronicle drop-off points may be sent to Andre’ Jones and will be reviewed. If sufficient, an established pickup location will be created.

Q. How do I advertise in the Chronicle?

A. To inquire about advertising in the Chronicle, please call the office at 843-4181. If no one answers, leave a message and one of our representatives will respond as soon as possible. You may also email  Ja’ël Savage.

Q. How much does it cost to advertise in the Chronicle?

A. Our classified section is $12 for the first 30 words, with 20 cents for each additional word above 30. You may find ad pricing here, and may call the office for more specific pricing.

Q. When is the deadline to place an ad with the Chronicle?

A. The deadline for advertising is 5 p.m. on Monday prior to the issue that you wish to place your ad in. The reason the deadline is set that day is to insure all paperwork is completed, as well as for our advertising team to review your ad and send proofs back for your approval.

Q. How much does it cost to place an obituary, birth announcement, or engagement/wedding announcement?

A. Cost to place the aforementioned announcements are $40 without a picture, and $50 with a picture. All announcements are subject to editing and space availability.

Q. I have a coming/church event that I would place in the Chronicle. How do I go about doing that?

A. You may submit your coming/church event to our editor by emailing Andre Jones. Please be aware that events will be published based on space availability and the discretion of the editor. The editor may also condense/edit information on the event for space purposes.

Q. When is the deadline to submit a coming/church event in the Chronicle?

A. As with our advertisements, deadline for coming/church events are the Monday prior to the release of the paper. This deadline is a strict deadline.

Q. I have an article/photo/story idea that I’d like to submit to the Chronicle that I believe is newsworthy. How do I go about doing that?

A. You may submit your article/photo by emailing Andre Jones. The article will be subject to editing, photo editing, and condensing based on space available. For submitting a story idea, please use the aforementioned email. Please remember, some items that the submitter may deem newsworthy may not be newsworthy to the Chronicle.

Q. I submitted an article/photo to the Chronicle but I have not seen it in the print edition. When can I expect it to appear?

A. As with all submitted articles/photos, they may not run as soon as the Chronicle receives them for review. We do our best to get them published in the print edition as quickly as possible, but space is limited in our paper. Items will be published in the newspaper edition once space is available and are at the discretion of the editor. All submitted items appear on the Chronicle’s website at

Q. How do I submit a Letter to the Editor?

A. You may email the letter to editor Andre Jones. The letter must be 300 words or less and straightforward. It must be in paragraph format and the author must submit a name and location for verification purposes. Letters must not contain libel or slander. Letters may come from other jurisdictions, but priority will be given to those in Charles City and New Kent as this is our coverage area. Letters are subject to publishing at the discretion of the editor and will appear when/if space is available.

Q. I have an event that I’d like the Chronicle to cover. How do I get someone to attend the event?

A. If you have an event that you’d like to cover, please contact the editor Andre Jones. However, as a suggestion, please notify the editor at least a week (preferably two weeks) before the event. The editor will respond as soon as possible to notify if he’ll be able to attend the event or not. Remember that the editor may have scheduling conflicts, so you may want to contact him beforehand. If the editor is not able to attend, you may send a picture and a brief caption of the event, or you may submit a brief article.

Q. I posted an item on your Facebook page but it has been removed. Can you please explain why that has occurred?

A. Our Facebook page is monitored daily. Any items relating to another website/news story are removed for copyright infringement purposes. Comments that are deemed derogatory, insensitive, promote other pages/websites, or post unapproved links will be removed as well. (Repeat offenders may be banned if the material is reposted.) If an event to notify the public is posted, it is reviewed to determine if it’s an attempt to sell a product/service. Those are also removed because it is unfair to our advertisers who support us, as well as the Chronicle may be charged for having advertising on our page. Certain events/announcements (such as Sheriff’s reports) are allowed on our wall and reposted.

FAQs will be updated upon receiving any new questions that may be relevant to others. If you have a question that may be a FAQ, please email it to Andre Jones.