New Kent Charles City Chronicle

News for New Kent County and Charles City County, Virginia | July 7, 2024

Adkins appointed District 3 supervisor of Charles City County

By Community Member | May 25, 2021 12:53 pm

Byron Adkins Sr. has been appointed as the District 3 supervisor for Charles City County.

Charles City leaders selected Adkins among seven applications received. After conducting interviews on May 20, Adkins was officially sworn in as the District 3 representative Monday morning. Adkins will occupy the seat vacated by former supervisor Lewis Black III, who announced his resignation in April.

“I am honored to join Charles City County’s Board of Supervisors,” Adkins said in a press release. “I believe it is important to have successful continuity of governance with the board, and my goal is to serve the interests of District 3 residents through strong communication, listening to their needs and concerns, processing and supporting the best interest of District 3 through working with my colleagues on the board to move the county forward.”

Adkins is no stranger to Charles City County, serving as the Director of Social Services for several years prior to his retirement. He also has experience in governance, strategic leadership, emergency service management, and constituent support services.

“Mr. Adkins has a long history of serving the citizens of Charles City County,” said District 1 representative and board chairman Gilbert Smith. “We appreciate the valuable insight and support he will bring to the table.”

Adkins will serve out the remainder of the year and will be eligible to run in the Nov. 2021 special election for the District 3 supervisor.